Key Features of CowPro's Milk Module:

  • Real-time Milk Production Monitoring:
  • Track milk production levels in real-time, allowing you to monitor individual and herd performance. Receive alerts for deviations from expected production, ensuring timely intervention.

  • Quality Control and Assurance:
  • Implement rigorous quality control measures for your dairy products. Monitor and maintain the quality of milk through comprehensive testing and adherence to quality assurance protocols.

  • Automated Milking Processes:
  • Streamline milking operations with CowPro's automation. Implement efficient milking schedules, monitor milking equipment, and receive automated alerts for any issues, enhancing overall efficiency.

  • Individual Cow Milk Tracking:
  • Keep detailed records of each cow's milk production. Monitor individual cow performance, identify trends, and implement targeted strategies to optimize each cow's contribution to overall production.