Key Features of CowPro's Animal Module:

  • Comprehensive Animal Health Monitoring:
  • Keep a detailed record of each animal's health, including vaccination schedules, medical history, and ongoing health assessments. Receive real-time alerts for any health concerns.

  • Customizable Farming Protocols for Livestock:
  • Create and implement personalized farming protocols tailored to the specific needs of your livestock. Define feeding schedules, breeding programs, and other essential routines.

  • Real-time Data on Animal Well-being:
  • Access up-to-the-minute data on the well-being of your animals. Monitor vital signs, activity levels, and behavioral patterns, ensuring proactive care for optimal health.

  • Tracking and Managing Animal Movements:
  • Efficiently track and manage the movements of each animal within your farm. Keep detailed records of grazing areas, barn assignments, and any transfers between different sections of the farm.